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Your child will learn the basics of working on the potters wheel which includes: wedging, centering, and creating a bowl. Our certified art teachers will instruct children to work on several different creative projects and also learn the basics about glazing. This is one of our most popular classes, so sign up early to ensure a seat! Grades 5-8 only.

Pottery Wheel Camp is a two hour session that is held Tuesday through Friday of one given week. The projects are different each week, so Pottery Wheel Camp can be repeated for multiple weeks!

Class registration is due by 12pm the Thursday before a class begins, unless prior arrangements have been made with staff.


*Please note*

-We expect prompt pick up for your children. Please notify an Ankeny Art Center Staff Member if someone different will be picking up your child or if you will be late for pick up. 

-Photos may be taken during camp classes and used for promotional material. Please inform Ankeny Art Center Staff if you do not want your child to be in any photos. 

Week One: 5th - 8th Grade Pottery Wheel

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